If you know the company name but not the person's name, leave the Company Name field blank to avoid double names on the 1099-MISC form.
Make sure the Address field contains the correct two-letter state abbreviation and ZIP code. In the Vendor List window, select a vendor then select Edit Vendor ✎. Step 2: Track contractor payments for 1099s To change a threshold amount, enter the new amount in the Threshold column. For more information on reporting requirements, please consult an accounting professional or the IRS. Many businesses report amounts only for Box 7: Nonemployee Compensation. Note: Your business may not need to report on all 1099 categories. Select OK when all appropriate accounts have been selected. To associate more than one account: From the drop-down list, choose Selected Accounts then click the desired accounts in the Select Accounts window. From the Account column, and select an account from the dropdown list. Select the accounts for each 1099 category that applies to your business for reporting and taxation purposes:.
Select and check the 1099-MISC forms are filed box.From the QuickBooks menu, select Preferences.Here's how to prepare and file your 1099s during tax season. When you're ready to file your 1099s, you can easily add the tracked payments to the form. QuickBooks will start tracking all of their payments behind the scenes. Enter the vendor's tax identification number in the Vendor Tax ID field.Select and check the Vendor eligible for 1099.This prevents them from showing up twice when you prepare your 1099-MISCs. If you have the company name but not the person's name, leave the Company Name field blank.If the vendor is a person, the vendor's legal name should appear in the First Name, M.I., and Last Name fields.Make sure you have the correct two-letter state abbreviation and ZIP code.Select the Address Info tab and review the info:.Select a vendor's name and then select Edit✎.Once the feature to start tracking payments for 1099, follow the steps to set up each vendor. Step 3: Track contractor payments for 1099s You can also edit and change this info later. Select the New Vendor dropdown and then New Vendor.
Select the Vendors menu and then Vendor Center. When you're done, select OK to save your settings. Select Yes in the Do you file 1099-MISC forms? section. Select the Edit menu and then Preferences. To start tracking contractors for 1099 payments, enable the feature: Step 1: Turn on the 1099-MISC feature